Delicate Beasts (2)
new work by Ingrid Restemayer and Christy Puetz
407 East Roosevelt St.
Phoenix, AZ 85004
January 16 - Feburary 14, 2015
Opening reception with the artists: January 16, 6-9pm
2nd reception: February 6 (First Friday) 6-10pm
A vicious beast? A gentle giant? Or is it an animal at all? Decide for yourself when you see “Delicate Beasts (2)” @ Modified/Arts in Phoenix, Arizona, the second exhibit in traveling series of new work by artists Christy Puetz & Ingrid Restemayer.
Christy and Ingrid studied Fiberarts together at the University of North Dakota in the 1990’s. They have a history of over 20 years collaborating & exhibiting together. Dedicated to the use of methods and materials traditionally associated with craft, they explore the boundaries and reconceive how craft materials are seen in the fine art world.
for more information, please contact Christy via this blog or
Email: info(at)modifiedarts(dot)org
Telephone: (602) 462-5516
407 East Roosevelt St.
Phoenix, AZ 85004-1918
407 East Roosevelt St.
Phoenix, AZ 85004-1918
Local First staff:
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
Gallery staff:
First Fridays 6-10pm
Third Fridays 6-9pm
Saturday 12-4pm
By appointment, scheduled via E-mail.
Local First staff:
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
Gallery staff:
First Fridays 6-10pm
Third Fridays 6-9pm
Saturday 12-4pm
By appointment, scheduled via E-mail.
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